Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Great Reason To Blog

I had many reasons to start blogging, here are a few of them:

- I wanted to document my family because time goes way too fast and I can always look back on my posts.

- A place to express my thoughts.

- I read SO many great blogs and I could see what a great blogging community there is for mothers and I wanted to be a part of it.

About the time that I was thinking about starting a blog I also decided that it was time to lose the weight I had gained since having my 4 boys. My baby is now 5 years old and I have had enough of this body that I hate!! After I had Ryan I continued to gain weight. When Ryan was 2 years old I started a home daycare and found myself very lonely, I would eat "kid food" to fill in the feeling of loneliness. I guess it is true when people say that food became their best friend,it sure was mine!!

So in mid July I started to watch my eating. I started to eat healthier food and discovered that I love many foods that are also good for my body!!

So when I actually started to blog I quicky realized that I would rather blog than sit in front of the T.V. and eat. I never expected it, but blogging has really helped me lose weight!!!!
I have added walking for exercise and my treat for after I have met my walking goal is to sit and read blogs or write on my own.

Just by changing what I eat, how I think and feel about food, and walking I have lost 17 pounds in about 7 weeks!!!!!



Amanda @ said...

That is amazing! I started blogging partially because I felt like I was just wasting my free time away (that being the time when the kids aren't in constant need of my attentions!) in front of the tv. I think that we're kind of thinking along the same lines--it's been so much more rewarding!
Thanks for stopping in at Kiddio and leaving a comment! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness...and I'm sure I have a lot to learn about boys (you're probably giggling at my naiveness)!
Best, Amanda

Positively Creative! said...

That is so awesome AND so True!! Great for losing the weight, good for you!

The Happy Housewife said...

wow, that's great, 17 pounds is a lot of weight! Great job!

Positively Creative! said...

Hi-got your question, Do you have a Trader Joe's in your area? If so get their chocolate bar and melt it, it comes in a 1pounder. Also you can use Baking chocolate or chocolate from Michael's is really good too. Let me know if this works. Mine was from Trader Joe's. Good Luck!