Friday, September 26, 2008

Kindergarten is kicking my butt!!

My youngest, Ryan started Kindergarten this year. He and I were really excited about it, he was happy to be going to school like his big brothers. The weekend before school started Ryan had been sick with a cold and cough and a little bit of a fever. It is now been 3 full weeks of school and he still has the cold. It is nothing major, no ear infection or sore throat but the darn thing won't go away. Having this cold has made him pretty grumpy because I think he is having a hard time sleeping. In 3 weeks he has missed 2 days of school and I have had to pick him up early 2 days!!!

On top of all of the sickness he has been tearing up in the mornings when I have to leave him at school so that I can get to work. I leave about 5 minutes before the final bell rings and he just sits there teary eyed. This is breaking my heart. He says he likes school and two of his friends are in his class. Last year he was in my preschool class and he came to work with me everyday and before that I stayed home with him so he might be just missing me a little.

If things could not get any worse....... Kindergarten homework SUCKS!!!
I have not had a Kindergartner in 4 years and I have forgotten how time consuming the homework can be. They get a packet every Monday that has about 15-20 pages. I am so used to my older boys and their Independence when it comes to their homework. I don't mind helping my kids with it but Kindergartners need your full attention, no multi-tasking allowed!!

So with this whole Ryan and Kindergarten thing I am just so exhausted. I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend.


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