Sunday, November 23, 2008

Plans for the week

This week will be fun but very busy.

Tomorrow I work and have my fun yearly doctor exam in the afternoon and then in the evening the church board that I work for is treating all of us preschool teachers and aides to a nice "Thank You" dinner. It will be nice to get out with my co-workers.

Tuesday and Wednesday the preschool that I work at have a big Thanksgiving Feast for all the kids. We have it both days because some kids come Tuesday/Thursday and some come Monday/Wednesday/Friday and some come to school everyday. One of the fun things about working at a preschool is that you get to REALLY celebrate all of the holidays. For each holiday there is always treats, parties and a ton of excitement. That is one of the many reasons that I LOVE what I do, working at a preschool brings out the "kid" in you almost everyday!!! My kids have Wednesday off from school so they will go to Grandmas while I work.

Thursday is THANKSGIVING and for the first time I am making Thanksgiving dinner. It will just be us (hubby and the boys) and we are also inviting Gary's brother and sister over with their kids (still not sure if they are coming though). I am actually excited that it will be just "us" this year.

Friday we are off to the baseball park at the crack of dawn!! Tyler will play at one park and Brandon will be playing at another. I will take Brandon (with Jordan and Ryan) and Gary will take Tyler. We most likely won't all be together (awake) again til Sunday night but that's what happens when you have 2 kids in travel ball!!! I truly love spending time at the park. Jordan and Ryan love it too, since they get to play all day at the park.


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