Monday, October 20, 2008

My Birthday Weekend

Well I am now 34 years old.
Yesterday was my birthday and a very good day.

We did not do much for my big day because Brandon's baseball team was hosting a tournament and we spent most of the weekend at the ball park. I was fine with this since my b-day is a great day but I have never felt that the world had to stop for it.

When I woke up Sunday I was surprised with "happy birthday to you" from Gary and the kids. I was also able to have a nice conversation with my mom, we always e-mail and rarely talk on the phone. I also got handmade letters and cards from the boys. In the evening Maryah (my God daughter) came over with homemade cookies and a card.
When we got back from the park I made myself some cupcakes and shared them with the boys, Gary was sound asleep.

This morning when I went to work at the preschool some of my students brought me gifts. one little girl brought me flowers and a Diet Coke (my favorite), her mom said that she just HAD to get me a Diet Coke because "that is Mrs. Jill's favorite"!!! It is so cute to see all of their little faces so excited that it is MY birthday.

So over all my big 34 was nice and simple and I had a wonderful day.


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