Monday, October 13, 2008


I have been thinking a lot about being balanced in my day to day life. I have noticed that I seem to really struggle with this. Lately I feel that I have many things in order. I have all 4 boys going to bed at a decent hour, I have been reading to my Kindergartner every night, I am making dinner and meal planning every night BUT I am really lagging in other areas. I need to make a doctors appointment for me, I need to make dentist appointments for the boys (and me), I need to look into Cub Scouts for Jordan, I need to call our cell phone company to try to lower our bill, I need to look at our budget and have a meeting with Gary about how we are going to change our spending habits and plenty more other things that I cannot think of right now.

I have been feeling really down about all of this. I know I need to stop my pity party and just get organized and get things done.

So this is my plan for this week. I am going to start by making a weekly list and maybe daily lists and try to keep my daily tasks in order while also tackling some of the other tasks, such as making appointments and phone calls.


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